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Apostle Sharon Shearer, B Theo. Entrepreneur/Author/Life Coach/Pastor 

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Apostle Sharon Shearer is anointed Christian and internationally renown author and co pastor with her husband Bishop Gary Shearer of Transformations Life Ministries.  This dynamic ambassador of the kingdom of God is a International Empowerment Lecturer,  Conference Host and Entrepreneur,.  Apostle Sharon sits as Executive director of Glorious Crowns and CEO of Transformations Enterprises with headquarters in Cincinnati Ohio.   Together with her husband they built a church in the Dominican Republic and server as overseers of 10 churches in that country and Haiti.  During the last two decades Apostle Shearer has been a fixture of inspiration and hope.  She sets an example to men and women around the world with her accomplishments that include writing her autobiography "From The Mess to the Message" and her new release The Transformation A Recipe for Change.  She is also an  Television Personality.  She has appeared on numerous episodes of day time Talk shows including Ricki Lake, Jenny Jones and the Maury Show.  Her secular profession as a hair weaving Guru has now joined with her ministry in hopes of birthing her own TV show “Pastor Weavemaster”  Apostle Sharon has turned her humble beginnings into an inspirational and philanthropic empire – educating, equipping and empowering people from all walks of life.  Her mission is to equip and  empower other to overcome hurts , disappointments and disadvantages in order to Life their best life now! 

from the mess to the message

This book is the memoirs of Sharon the Weavemaster Shearer. There are graphic details of the memories of childhood molestation that lead to a life of drug addiction and confusion about her sexuality. She further describes the mental and physical abuse suffered in two previously failed marriages. She details her transformation from the mess of her past to her present ministry. These experiences gave birth to a dynamic anointing to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor Weavemaster guides you through steps for overcoming past hurts, breaking cycles and creating a fulfilling Christian life. She now serves her community as a business owner, role model, motivational speaker, life coach and Co-Pastor of the church her and her husband founded "Transformations Life Ministries" in Cincinnati Ohio.



Cincinnati, Ohio

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